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Engaging gen-z to baby boomers health and safety for a multi-generational workforce

In a world where more people own a mobile phone than a toothbrush and human beings have a shorter attention span than goldfish, how are you engaging your workforce in health and safety? 

This Webinar has now concluded, an on-demand recording can be found below:
  • About event
  • Many organisations tell us that they struggle to keep up with each new wave of employees from Gen-Z to ‘digital native’ millennials, bringing their own set of expectations in how they prefer to receive and provide information. A ‘one-size fits all’ approach will not work.

    By drawing on the experience and knowledge of the baby boomers and exploring how younger generations interact with technology, there are a lot of key learnings which can be adopted to engage your multi-generational workforce in health and safety.

    This Webinar has now concluded, an on-demand recording can be found below: