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Step by step roadmap to net zero by 2030

Atec has more than 30 years’ experience designing, installing and maintaining security systems across a variety of market sectors, from hospitals to tourist attractions, universities and oil refineries.

The Wolverhampton-based business, which employs 50 people, has taken climate-friendly action over time to minimise the impact of its work on the environment, both in terms of carbon footprint and pollution. Inspired Plc has helped them develop a carbon plan which has seen them pledge to be net zero by 2030. They have a roadmap for 2021-2025 (base year 2020) on their website.

Until now, their renewable energy came from a waste company that powers the local grid.
However, their new roof-top solar panels will now see their use of grid electricity cut in half while adding another clean energy source to their local community. The panels will also provide for their electric vehicle charging points, so the Atec team’s journeys will have an even lower impact on the environment, including air pollution. Despite some electricity usage rising due to EVs, the company’s overall carbon footprint is decreasing.

Already in 2021-2022, they reduced their emissions by 5% and are expecting a 10% overall reduction by 2024 through the implementation of energy saving opportunities identified for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, such as building staff awareness, better energy management and the replacement of heaters. From 2024-25, they have planned a 15% year-on-year decrease, until they hit the point where there is no further reduction possible. After which they will look at offsetting.