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It’s hard for health and safety to generate a buzz in the workplace, it’s rarely a water cooler conversation topic or at the root of cross functional collaboration. But, with gamification you can get your tooling department competing with the warehouse team and your managers competing with the workforce to beat each other’s health and safety performance – without anyone getting hurt.

Gamification in health and safety works because of three fundamental aspects of human behaviour; people learn by doing, people do what they enjoy and people thrive on competition. You can’t achieve this within a health and safety environment without it being simulated, as you can do with gamification – not without breaking the law or causing some serious injuries.

So, by playing a health and safety game your workforce are seeing and experiencing the impact of their health and safety decisions. Being part of scenarios and incidents they may come across in real life means they’ll be more likely to make the right decision and avoid an accident should they face it for real. And, because it’s fun and there’s some competition it becomes part of the conversation throughout the workplace.

There’s a growing number of game and simulator type solutions available AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) are being increasingly used for high risk and specialised health and safety training. 

For something more general that can have a broad site-wide or company-wide impact on worker engagement there are solutions such as our behaviour based game that can be set up and included with a training or cultural programme relatively quickly and cost effectively. As workers play the game they make health and safety decisions under pressure, getting points for correct and speedy responses and loosing points for incorrect responses.

One of the great benefits of gamification is the intelligence and insight the employer has access to. You can evaluate any aspect; from high level scores by department or group to the detail of identifying hot spots for training. You can even track improvements in health and safety knowledge and decision making over time.

Have a go yourself with our three minute demo

Blog / Health and safety incident / Health and safety management and leadership / Health and safety risk management / Occupational health and safety / Regulation and legislation