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We are the catalyst for the evolution of UK manufacturing.

We give our members a voice, and enable manufacturers to connect, share and solve problems together. Our membership allows access to focused networking events where members discuss brexit and other issues facing manufacturers at a national and regional level. Our members meet like-minded others, facing the same issues. They gain insight, support and meet new suppliers. Learn more about Make UK.

Our Membership Options

Make UK Membership

We are dedicated to helping our members compete, innovate and grow through campaigning, insights, connections and expertise.

Affiliate Partnership

We’re inviting UK membership organisations who operate within the manufacturing, engineering and wider industrial sector to join us in partnership.

Make UK Defence Membership

Make UK Defence champions and celebrates the UK’s defence industry. We represent the sector’s interests to government and champion our innovative, global and dynamic industry to the public.

UK Steel Membership

UK Steel, powered by Make UK, champions and celebrates UK’s steel manufacturers. We represent the sector’s interests to government and champion our innovative, vibrant and dynamic industry to the public.

Corporate Membership

You need power, influence and a voice at the highest levels - locally, nationally and internationally. As a leading UK manufacturer, you are at the forefront of the manufacturing agenda, addressing the skills gap and driving competitive advantage. Together, we can ensure UK Manufacturing performs and grows, now and in the future.

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Our Business Services

View our portfolio of contemporary business services, delivering practical support and sound advice, that is accessible to all.


Our Venues

Make Venues is a collection of exclusive individual venues delivering exceptional bespoke events, conferences and meetings.