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Supporting Your Staff Through Mental Health E learning

This online course looks at the six main factors affecting mental health and wellbeing at work and how you can support your employees’ mental health.
It defines mental health, looks at the symptoms, the impact of it, legislation and how to devise an action plan to promote mental wellbeing in the workplace.

It’s suitable for managers, supervisors, HR professionals and anyone who wants to better support and understand their employees’ mental health.

  • Course content
  • Modules:

        1. Introduction

        2. What is mental health?

        3. Types of mental illness

        4. Business impacts

        5. Legislation

        6. Workplace wellbeing

        7. Summary

  • Pre-requisites
  • There are no pre-requisites for this course.
  • Assessment
  • Online course worked through at the pace of the learner. Learners will be able to download a digital certificate on completion.
  • More details
  • Career progression:

    By completing this course, delegates will be able to:

    • Define mental health and the key influencing factors.
    • Identify the symptoms of a range of common mental health issues.
    • Describe the impact of mental health issues on the workplace.
    • Summarise the legislation associated with mental health at work
    • Devise an action plan as to how to promote mental wellbeing in your workplace and support your staff.