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Visiativ and Make UK have developed an attractive offering for Make UK members, to help you access the wide range of innovation funding support available from the inception to the commercialisation of innovation projects, to get businesses reinvesting in innovation and to ensure UK manufacturing continues to be competitive in the global market.

All Make UK members will benefit from a 10% discount on Visiativ fees

Types of innovation funding:

Grant Funding

We offer a full grant solution, including mapping your requirement against available grants and writing your application, to ensure you have the best chance of receiving the funds you need, to accelerate your innovation. 

R&D Cash Advances

Overcome cash flow challenges with short-term funding for R&D tax credit claims of over £50,000. 

R&D Tax Credits

A tax incentive from the UK Government designed to encourage companies to invest in R&D. We ensure our clients’ claims are maximised, whilst minimising risk and time commitment. We also take care of any queries from the relevant tax authority as enquiry defence is included free-of-charge with every claim we prepare and submit.

For Make UK members already claiming R&D tax relief Visiativ will undertake a desk review of your previous claims and provide an opinion on the potential for their team of engineers and scientists to enhance the value of your future claims. If appropriate they will also offer to revise previous claims with a view to securing an uplift in benefit value.

Patent Box

Patent Box provides UK companies with qualifying IP rights, or an exclusive IP license, and receive relevant IP income, with the opportunity to benefit from a reduced rate of corporation tax on relevant IP-related profits. Visiativ will prepare the Patent Box report and associated calculation of IP related profits for inclusion in your tax return, while advising your company on the implications of existing R&D eligible expenditure on calculation of relevant IP income and on-going legislative changes & impact on current or future patent box claims.

Risk Assurance

No-one wants to expose their company to the risk of tax audits or enquiries. Visiativ provides independent audit services on innovation tax incentive claims, highlighting any areas of risk and providing solutions to manage these going forward, while identifying potential scope for maximising your claim.

Enquiry Defence

We can help companies who’ve prepared and submitted claims themselves or using an external provider. We will take responsibility for defending the claim, advising on the best defence strategy, and negotiating with relevant tax authorities until an agreement.

Make UK members can contact Visiativ directly: [email protected]

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