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#1 Who doesn’t love music?

Well, we don’t know the MPC’s music tastes, but your Spotify playlist may be the reason behind the next interest rate hike.


#2 …and if you love live music, you have no more excuses

London’s street performers are embracing cashless payments.


#3 There will always be some winners and some losers, but we should not be scared of technology progress

AI is creating jobs, not destroying them, according to company bosses.


#4 Robots may create a greener way to get rid of weeds

Look out weeds (and the pesticides industry) robots are coming for you


#5 Evergreen: Brexit and the Custom Union

Sky Views: We're staying in the Customs Union, and here's why.


#6 Brexit bottleneck

This time it’s about language skills.


#7 …and of course the Irish border

Post-Brexit Irish Sea border exists already.


#8 “One if by land, and two if by sea”

Evaluating the Eurasian Landbridge - will trains ever replace ships on China-EU trade routes?


#9 It may be temporary, but this is big news

China’s vanished current-account surplus will change the world economy.
