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What did we find out?

Manufacturing sub-sectors each have a unique story to tell in terms of productivity growth both long-term and after the financial crisis, highlighting that solutions will need to factor in the distinctive nature of each sector.

Our analysis shows that the main factors that have impacted on the sector include underinvestment in capital, weaker management practices compared internationally, greater diversity in business operations and on average smaller companies in UK manufacturing compared internationally.

But we don’t have all the answers

The analysis and research raises a number of questions and so our report is a call for evidence. Don’t miss out on the chance to get your views heard - the call closes on Friday 28th June.

We’ve received a number of responses from across the manufacturing community but want to hear from more manufacturers directly about their experiences over the last decade. Help us to understand the data by telling us about your experiences.


How you can help

You can read the full report, Unpacking the Puzzle, here

You can listen to our podcast on productivity and why it matters here

You can respond to our call for evidence online: or by emailing [email protected]

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