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MPs returned to Parliament in London on Wednesday, and as the impasse strengthens in the House of Commons with no clear way forward, we take a look at how Brussels is reacting and what the mood is across Europe.

Since the start of the Brexit process back in March 2017, the EU 27 have remained consistent – all negotions must be done through the Commission and specifically Taskforce 50. 

Since Boris Johnson formed his new government in July, there has been a clear change of tack around how the UK approaches negotiations. We have seen a step up in efforts to meet with individual Member States which wasn’t a tactic of the previous government. There have been visits to France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain, but even with this change of tactic, the EU has remained united in its message that the Withdrawal Agreement is the only possible deal and remains the best deal for both sides. 

With newly elected/re-elected MEPs taking their seats, the New European Commission President was confirmed and Commissioners announced. The EU has a long list of important policy issues they want to tackle during the new mandate 2019-2024; A New Green Deal, the migration crisis and making the Digital Single Market work as well as the actual Single Market. With this is mind, although the EU wants a deal and a close future relationship with the UK, there is an increasing feeling of Brexit fatigue amongst Member States, where there is a growing desire to finalise Brexit, putting it aside and a clear path to get on with tackling pan European issues.  

As we approach the European Council meeting on the 17th and 18th October, which is the last time all Heads of State from all 28 Member States will be present, the EU and specifically chief negotiator Michel Barnier are still waiting for new legally binding proposals from the UK that fit within the existing Withdrawal Agreement. It is clear to the EU that the Withdrawal Agreement and political declaration agreed by Theresa May and her negotiating team together are unlikely to pass within the House of Commons due to it having fallen three times already. 
On a side note, Make UK is happy to welcome both Ellie Chowns MEP and Phil Bennion MEP as they will be attending our West Midlands Regional Advisory Board this week.

Blog / Leaving the EU