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The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) represents the interests of the UK industrial gases sector. Its mission is to ensure safety in the use, storage, transportation and handling of industrial, food and medical gases.

UK Steel Director, Gareth Stace said, "BCGA’s assistance in producing this guidance has been invaluable. The need for this document in the steel sector was identified by UK Steel members. Their collaboration with BCGA has produced valuable guidance for all those storing and handling gases in the steel industry."

Providing they are stored, handled and used responsibly, gases in these environments are a valuable resource and safe to use. GN34 gives the necessary guidance to ensure operators understand the hazards associated with specific gases. It sets out to them the necessary safety measures to properly control the risks to their staff and employees, and the wider public.

This new guidance is free to download.


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Publication / UK Steel / Steel