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The Covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly pushed many businesses, including manufacturers, at speed towards remote ways of working. For office staff working at home is the new norm, accessing often sensitive files on hastily purchased laptops, while production staff have had to adjust to remote monitoring and production and virtual commissioning using mobile apps.

Our latest figures show that just under half of manufacturers have been the victim of cyber-crime in the last 12 months. Of those companies that experienced an attack, 63% said it cost them up to £5,000 while almost a quarter (22%) revealed a cost to their business of between £5,000-25,000.

The acceleration of digital adoption, primarily by the pandemic, has propelled cyber risk to the forefront of Britain’s boardrooms, with 61% of companies now having a board director responsible for cyber security.

But it is not just the adoption of industrial digital technologies that is bringing cyber-security back into the spotlight. As we move out of lockdown and into the ‘new normal’ it is increasingly clear that the new normal is one that brings with it more hybrid working and greater use of digital tools and technologies. Ensuring manufacturers are cyber-secure is a now not a nice-to-have but a necessity.

Make UK’s latest policy paper – Cyber Resilience: The Last Line of Defence – explores how cyber-crime has impacted the manufacturing industry with the move to remote working and the continued focus on digital adoption. It offers advice to companies from cyber experts as well as considerations to Government on how best support companies in their quest for cyber-skills.


Available resources

Cyber Security / Industry report