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Our Future Manufacturing Awards highlight the resilience, determination and ingenuity of the UK’s manufacturing community, providing a fantastic opportunity to showcase everything that is great about our industry.

Business Growth and Strategy - in partnership with RSM

This award has been developed to recognise the most dynamic business growth based on an actively managed and consistently delivered growth strategy, this could include business expansion, product diversification or the implementation of a new international trade strategy. Examples include:

Demonstrate market share growth in a new industry segment or overseas market
Investment made in technology/factory/staff to support industry beating growth objectives
Developed new products/service which led to significant business secured from new customers
Overcame challenges to enter new markets locally or globally
Increased distribution base

Developing Future Talent

This award has been developed to recognise those that have done the most to build skills, talent and develop their employees internally and/ or promote engineering and manufacturing careers through activities within the community. Examples include:

Improved or increased skills, training and development opportunities through accredited qualifications programmes or local workplace initiatives.
Implemented new training programme to meet skills gap within existing resource
Developed a programme to visit local primary and secondary schools to talk about business and career opportunities within the sector
Collaborative community activity to drive/ promote manufacturing

Health and Safety - in partnership with AIG

This award has been developed to recognise progress in improving the occupational health and safety culture of the workplace by introducing new or developing existing initiatives. In view of the HSE’s Helping Great Britain Work Well strategy this could include initiatives that tackle work-related ill-health, especially Occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders and Occupational lung disease, other initiatives include promoting broader ownership of health and safety, Simplifying risk management, anticipating and tackling new health and safety challenges, promoting the benefits of an effective health and safety strategy. Examples Include:

Implementing programmes looking at occupational stress, work-related musculoskeletal disorders or occupational lung disease.
Implemented programmes to improve employee safety including the reduction of accident rates
Implemented a programme to reduce sickness absence
Improved understanding of compliance through an educational programme

Innovation - in partnership with Catapult

This award celebrates innovations executed through new products, processes, markets and business models. Such innovations will be governed by strategic intent and have driven greater productivity, efficiency and or business growth, within the last three years. Examples include:

New product or process innovation supported by investment in digital manufacturing technologies
Investment made in a technology that is new to your sector
Driving a collaboration partnership – in the supply chain or university – to bring a new manufactured solution to the market
Improved efficiencies through new ways of working
A new business model to take the business in a new direction
New product to market


This award has been developed to recognise an individual who has made a significant contribution to their company through their involvement in a company project, initiative or becoming integral to the day to day operations. Showing true commitment and dedication to their employer and the manufacturing industry. Examples include:

Long standing service, contributing year of dedication and commitment to their employer
An individual who played a vital role in the conception/ design or execution of a project.
An individual who went above and beyond expectations
An employee who has been a pillar of support to their team

Sustainability - in partnership with Liberty

This award has been developed to recognise those that have done the most to improve overall environmental performance and enhance sustainability. This could have been achieved through efficiency savings in the use of raw materials, energy, water; the adoption of clean technologies; improved waste management and recycling; and/or more generally changing operational processes to increase environmental efficiency. Examples include:

Addressed the environmental impact of waste and resources
Promoted environmental awareness internally and externally
Efficiency savings in use of raw materials
Introducing a new waste management or recycling plan