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Now that the UK is no longer part of the EU, sending staff to carry out any work in Europe isn’t as easy as it used to be.

With each EU member state applying slightly different work and travel rules, it is vital all businesses check details before sending any of their staff to an EU country to work – even if it’s just for a day.

Here you will find a series of Make UK conversations discussing work and travel to the EU and how companies can make the essential checks.

There is now a new legally binding process to comply with; requirements and obligations will differ significantly depending on where you are going, what you are doing, and who you are meeting.  If you’re in any doubt, please check before you go.

Companies must understand these new processes to avoid workers being turned away at the border and avoiding penalties for your workers, your company, and possibly your customers.

General Myths and Misconceptions - Part 1

General Myths and Misconceptions - Part 2

Do I need a work permit? When? Why?

What forms do I need to complete before travelling?

Risks and ramifications