Complete suite of downloadable IR35 documents
This IR35 toolkit provides the key documentation you need to formalise your relationships with contractors. Written by our team of employment lawyers you can easily download and provide legal documents to confirm the workers employment status for tax purposes and respond to disagreements.
Download your pack for easy access to compliant and comprehensive templates, guides and guidance notes to take the stress and worry out of formalising the employment status of your contractors.
The pack includes:
- Consultancy agreement for a consultant worker operating through a personal service company (PSC), including IR35/Off-payroll working rules drafting notes and guidance
- Letter to a consultant worker (operating through a personal service company) to accompany employment status determination statement, includes drafting notes and guidance
- Letter to an agency supplying a consultant worker (operating through a personal service company) to accompany employment status determination statement with drafting notes and guidance
- Letter responding to a disagreement regarding an employment status determination statement with drafting notes and guidance
- IR35 and engaging contractors: Prepare now for changes in April 2021 – Guide for HR & Line managers.