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Managing Conflict

This course is aimed at line managers and supervisors that regularly manage conflict in the workplace. The pressures of our modern working lives and inevitable frictions that we experience mean that conflict is an ‘ever-growing’ challenge within the workplace. This course will equip you with the understanding of what can cause conflict, give you techniques to avoid it or the skills you need to deal with it quickly and effectively.

Course dates

Start date

Course Content

  • What is conflict and what can it look like?
  • Effects of conflict – Individual, Team & Organisation
  • Stages and phases of conflict
  • Conflict resolution - 5 approaches
  • Understand why people may be ‘difficult’
  • Knowing where our behaviour comes from
  • Identifying how to adapt to overcome difficulties and frictions
  • Managing conflict - practical steps

By attending this course, delegates will learn to: Understand what can cause conflict, why it occurs and how to prevent it. Deal with any conflict effectively and in the correct time-frame, using proven strategies.