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Mental Health Awareness E learning

This online course looks at the different factors which can influence mental health and wellbeing and how mental health and wellbeing can be improved. It’s suitable for anyone who would like to understand more about mental health.

  • Course Content
  • Modules:

    1. Introduction
    2. Workplace wellbeing
    3. Communication
    4. Stress management
    5. Mental hygiene
    6. Physical health
    7. Culture and stigma
    8. Summary

  • Pre-requisites
  • There are no pre-requisites for this course.
  • Assessment
  • Online course worked through at the pace of the learner. Learners will be able to download a digital certificate on completion.
  • More details
  • By completing this course, delegates will be able to:

    • Identify personal stressors and actions that can be taken to relieve them
    • Compare workplace factors and their effect on personal wellbeing management
    • Determine factors affecting clear communication and identify best practice for positive communication
    • Describe types of positive mindset and how they can be adopted
    • Summarise the role of physical health in mental health and the areas in which personal improvements can be made
    • Identify the stigma and cultural issues attached to mental health and actions for overcoming them


    Approximately 1 hour. You don’t have to complete all the training in one session and can complete it as quickly or as slowly as you like.