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Can you confidently say 'we do' to the following statement?

We are committed to ensuring that our workplaces are free from harassment and bullying and that all members of staff are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect.

Make UK can fully support you in making the changes needed, starting with the following.

1) Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy template and guidance notes.

We provide a template Anti-bullying and Harassment Policy document for you to tailor and implement within your business. Our template sets out a zero-tolerance approach to harassment and bullying and the accompanying guidance notes explain what this means and how to implement it.

(Make UK subscribers can access our template policy guidance within the HRL Resources section of the website.)

2) Half day workshop - What is sexual harassment?

This workshop will cover:

  • The legal position
  • Risks to the business
  1. Legal cases and financial awards granted
  2. Reputational and brand damage, media, and social media
  • Examples of different types of sexual harassment
  1. Overt sexual harassment – touching, inappropriate behaviour
  2. Unintentional sexual harassment – putting a hand on someone’s shoulder, asking someone out or commenting on their appearance/clothes
  3. Paternal (Maternal) concern – usually meant with good intentions, but quite often oversteps ‘the mark’
  • Outcome/effects of sexual harassment
  1. On the victim
  2. On the alleged perpetrator
  • Challenging inappropriate behaviour – Be an upstander, not a bystander

3) Micro-awareness training

A short video providing micro awareness training on sexual harassment for your staff. The video can be viewed on a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or computer. There are no licences to worry about. You host the video internally, allowing you and your employees to watch it as many times as you want to. See below for a short trailer.

This video is part of our suite of micro-awareness training videos, which covers a broad range of EDI+ topics, from allyship to neurodiversity. 

Contact [email protected] to purchase this content for only £150

4) Pulse survey - Driving change for an inclusive culture.

Companies have a duty of care for their employees, ignorance is no defence. We should be asking questions, even if they are difficult or uncomfortable. 

Read our blog "Five Action Points For HR and Senior Management to Tackle Sexual Harassment At Work"

By undertaking an anonymous and independent survey, you are more likely to receive accurate results, which will assist you to:

  • Support and build a genuinely inclusive culture
  • Understand your baseline position 
  • Understand whether employees know how to report incidents of harassment
  • Understand whether employees feel confident to raise concerns and, if not, why not

All the above support can be either purchased separately or as a complete package offering.

For further information via a confidential discussion - contact us today