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Make UK’s latest survey exploring green skills is now live and can be complete here: Green Skills 2021

Green skills are the amalgamation of environmentally conscious knowledge, strategies, and abilities to deliver, and support a sustainable and resource-efficient manufacturing sector. As the manufacturing sector transitions to one which is digital and green, the acquisition of these green skills will be crucial. It will require the acquisition of additional skills through the creation of new jobs, as well as altering existing jobs too.

In this survey we are attempting to understand what skills your business will need to:

·firstly, manufacture your goods and products in a more sustainable way; and
·secondly, to operate in a sustainable way.

The results of this survey will form our evidence base for a new green skills policy paper making recommendations to Government how best manufacturers can be supported to meet their green skills need now, and in the future.

The survey is live until Friday 16th July and can be completed here: Green Skills 2021


How Make UK can help with People & Skills

The People and Skills team focus on supporting manufacturers to grow and invest in their workforce, creating an optimal policy environment.