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Yesterday Make UK hosted the second of its Online Leadership Summits in association with Rockwell Automation.

The panel included Stephen Phipson CBE from Make UK, Sam Turner from High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Mike Loughran from Rockwell Automation, Emmanuelle Camus from PTC, Philippa Glover from CNC Robotics Ltd. and Donna Edwards from Made Smarter UK.

The theme was "A new manufacturing system: building a fully digital operation."

Key takeaways?

1. The UK is WAY behind global competitors when it comes to the adoption of robotics, automation and other digital manufacturing technologies. There is no argument. Our survival as a sector depends on catching up, fast.

2. That's the bad news. The good news is there is a WEALTH of information/advice out there to help manufacturers. Check with the organisations the panellists represent. If still in doubt, ask me!

3. Adopting these technologies is NOT A CHORE and it needn't be expensive. We can start very small, a bit at a time. Invest a bit, test, build confidence, invest a bit more.

4. Above all, this is about creating a smarter, more productive, more PROFITABLE UK manufacturing sector. And as Covid and Brexit begin to bite, it's also about building strength and resilience.

What are we waiting for?

Rewatch the webinar below

