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The vast majority of businesses told us that their employees are given bank holidays off as paid leave (83.8% of companies for manual employees and 87.6% for non-manual).  This leaves one in six who do not give time off on bank holidays for their manual workers and even fewer (12.4%) for non-manual employees, instead they provide a total holiday allowance.  This is approach is usually taken if a business operates continuous working or certain shift patterns. However what is apparent from the data is that the total allowance often accounts for the days that would ordinarily be taken as bank holidays.


Additional service rewards:

Nearly half of the respondents to the survey said that they give additional service related leave to their employees.  Due to the range of arrangements in place for this extra leave, we chose to examine the amount of additional paid leave given at nine service intervals.  The results show that the most common starting point for extra leave was after 5 years’ service.

Looking specifically at the manufacturing sector:

  • Only 13% give extra leave to their manual or non-manual employees after a year’s service, which in all cases amounts to one extra day

  • At 5 years’ service 67.6% give service related leave to their manual employees and 68.2% give to non-manual employees

  • After 5 years employees get an average of 2 days extra paid holiday per annum, with some getting as much as five extra days

Find out more

Click here to find out how to access the report or email at: [email protected]

Blog / Employment policy / Flexible working