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#1. An end to quarterly reporting for publicly traded companies - maybe? the US, maybe.

#2. ONS revisions? Or ONS corrections?

The impact of data releases on historical economic stories.

#3. Is the Lira crisis contagious?

Crisis, what crisis?

#4. A cryptocurrency is making huge inroads in Venezuela as inflation runs wild 

Probably the only case when a crypto is more stable than a classic currency. More here.

#5. Making America great again isn’t proving so great for other parts of the world

The cost to global growth assessed here.

#6. Long summer breaks harm children

Soon the kids will be done with experts. More here.

#7. York is Britain’s most liked city

See where your city ranks here.

#8. Additive manufacturing - do the benefits stack up?

McKinsey does a medium dive into the subject here.

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