The majority of Britain’s manufacturers (52.7%) are now viewing the UK as a more competitive place to locate their activities, compared to just 31% one year ago. While less than one-fifth (16.6%) believe the UK is not a competitive place in which to manufacture.
These findings come from Make UK and PwC’s Executive Survey 2024, published today, which polled more than two hundred senior manufacturing executives. It shows that after a very difficult few years through the pandemic and the shock to energy prices, there are optimistic signs with companies more bullish about the prospects for manufacturing in 2024.
More than four-fifths (44.4%) believe that conditions in the sector will improve, with only one in five believing the contrary. While an increasing number also believe the UK is becoming more competitive than its European rivals.
As a result, manufacturers – who are now seeing opportunities outweigh the risks to their firms - are backing this belief with investment in new products, expansion into new markets and acceleration of the use of new digital technologies to improve their business. The adoption of the latter in particular is seen by 71.2% of firms as a way to boost operational efficiency, while more than half (52.2%) see generative AI increasing their workforces’ productivity.