Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
Make UK & CCSA are hosting a webinar to launch the new official government report on supply chain intervention strategy for CCUS (Carbon capture use & storage) Learn about how the manufacturing supply chain is needed to help achieve UK CCUS projects.
About event
- There is a substantial and rapidly growing opportunity in the UK and international markets, to develop carbon capture facilities which in turn provides a significant opportunity to the UK’s manufacturing supply chains. The UK is well placed to support the development and implementation of new capture technology. Relevant and mature capabilities already exist in several industry sectors, but to maximise the capture of this growth opportunity, the UK needs to move fast.
- Drawing on existing market research this study analyses the UK manufacturing supply chain’s capability and readiness to support CCUS in the UK. The resulting report describes the demand for CCUS technologies, and a plan to accelerate the realisation of opportunities contributing to increase UK manufactured content, provide jobs and create potential for exports.
Panel dicussion
- James Smith - Co-Chair CCUS Council
- Ruth Herbert - CEO CCSA
- Stuart Broadley – CEO, Energy Industries Council
- Richard Warren– Policy Director, UK Steel
- CCUS Directorate BEIS (speaker tbc)
- Followed by a Q&A session.
- Chair: Dame Judith Hackitt DBE FREng FIChemE, Chair of the CCUS Council Supply Chain Group
- Report Findings; Andy Storer, CEO of the Nuclear AMRC
More details
The CCSA is the trade association promoting the commercial deployment of CCUS. We work with members, governments and other organisations to ensure CCUS is developed and deployed at the pace and scale necessary to meet net zero goals and deliver sustainable growth across regions and nations.The CCSA currently has over 70 member companies who are active in exploring and developing different applications of carbon capture, from diverse point sources and directly from air, CO2 transportation by pipeline and ship, utilisation, geological storage, and other permanent storage solutions, as well as members from management, legal and financial consulting sectors.