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Call us on0808 168 5874


What is the Covid-19 Impact Audit?

An on-site audit of the EHS impact of COVID-19 on operations by one of our Health and Safety consultants.

The audit will consider:

  • The impact of COVID-19 transmission control measures (e.g. social distancing) on efficient operations and
    how this negative impact can be improved.
  • The additional EHS costs created by COVID-19 (e.g. Staff Training) and how these can be optimised.
  • Use of available communication channels to improve awareness, understanding and compliance.
  • The impact of constrained resources (e.g. the availability of competent EHS practitioners) and how this can
    be mitigated.

How does it mitigate your risk?

The audit will identify ways in which you can:

  • Increase operational efficiency in the presence of COVID-19 controls
  • Maximise availability of key staff
  • Optimise communications and training delivery
  • Resolve EHS constraints
  • Minimise future risks through improved policy and planning

Cost - £2200 + VAT

Enquire now to purchase

Email us: [email protected]

Call us on: 0808 168 5874

News / Coronavirus / Make UK