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Twenty three Venues of Excellence members attended the event to showcase the consortium’s diverse portfolio of venues, which range from specialist training centres to hotels, racecourses, theatres, private clubs and stadia.

EEF Venues l PA Life l Venues of Excellence

Sponsors of the event included EEF Venues, Bright Vision Events, Links of London and Teamscapes Learning.

David Vaughton, managing director of EEF Venues and chairman of Venues of Excellence said: “It was a dynamic and entertaining evening, providing a perfect opportunity for PAs and representatives from our venues to meet face-to-face and engage.

“Our 44 venues cover a geographic footprint from the south coast of England to Scotland so to have had so many of our venues in one place offered attendees a chance to learn more about each of their unique offerings and to meet and mingle in the surroundings of our Westminster venue.

“Hosting this event at Broadway House was an absolute honour and credit to our on-site team and sponsors who pulled out all the stops to ensure it was a memorable and highly enjoyable occasion.”

A ‘Best of British’ theme ran through the entire event, from traditional finger signposting to a visit from the Pearly King and Queen who led attendees in The Lambeth Walk. 

The menu celebrated Britain’s natural larder, with dishes drawn from the sea and land, and using seasonal ingredients by many British artisan producers including a live demonstration of hand-made ice cream by ice-cream makers, Free & Co – which went down a treat.

There were fabulous spot prizes and goodie bags for the attendees. 

Mandy Jennings, executive director of Venues of Excellence, said:We were delighted with the success of this networking event.  EEF Venues’ Broadway House were outstanding hosts, offering the finest London hospitality. They really excelled themselves with the food offering, showcasing everything great about British food, from traditional fish & chips and Eton Mess to beautiful artisan breads and charcuterie - a feast certainly fit for our Pearly King and Queen!

“Our Venues of Excellence team and representative member venues all felt it was a fantastic opportunity to meet with the London PA community to showcase their venues.”

