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Commenting on Chancellor Rishi Sunak 's announcement today, Stephen Phipson, Make UK Chief Executive, said:

I applaud this announcement which avoids a looming cliff edge triggering significant redundancies for many companies and recognises the need for greater flexibility as the economy fires up. Government has been very supportive of business since the start of the crisis and it's encouraging that it stands ready to stand behind industry to protect jobs and key skills over the summer and autumn. Along with other business groups, we have called for these enhancements to the scheme and are very pleased the Chancellor has responded so positively.

There is no silver bullet to any of this and both Government and industry are going to have to be adaptive, creative and flexible through what is likely to be a bumpy and turbulent flight into the future from now on. This is going to require a range of policies starting with today's extension of the Job Retention Scheme, followed by a three stage plan to get the economy up to full speed by later in the year.

We will continue to work in partnership with the Chancellor as we navigate these unprecedented challenges.

Stephen Phipson Make UK, CEO
News / Coronavirus / Make UK