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Commenting on the Government’s latest quarantine announcement, Stephen Phipson CEO of Make UK, the manufacturer’s organisation said

Industry will be disappointed with this announcement which is isolationist and will prevent many essential daily cross border journeys to provide service and maintenance. Additionally, air freight on passenger aircraft provides a significant proportion of UK export and supply chain capacity all of which is vital to operations as companies begin to get up and running.

"Instead, we need to learn the lessons from the Far East after Sars where countries agreed a common set of procedures and standards to restore confidence in people's ability to fly. Such an agreement of standards internationally would allow freight to keep moving, people to get flying and business to happen. We would urge the Government to join the United States and other European countries who are keen to commit to such an agreement. And to do this quickly.

Stephen Phipson CEO, Make UK
News / Make UK / Trade / Media release