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Family friendly rights

Aimed at managers and supervisors, this course will give delegates the necessary knowledge to plan and support members of their team through different categories of leave periods and ensure your organisation remains ‘Family Friendly’. Learn which statutory rights apply to different leave categories, know how to ‘stay in touch’ during periods of leave and understand how to deal with flexible working requests effectively to balance the needs of the individual, with that of your organisation.

Course Dates

No open courses currently scheduled, but in-company delivery can be arranged.

Please email us: [email protected]

Call us free:0808 168 5874

Course content 

  • Pregnancy and maternity rights
  • Planning paternity leave-What should you do?
  • Statutory adoption leave
  • Shared parental leave
  • Unpaid parental leave
  • Unpaid time off to care for dependants
  • Flexible working
  • Parental bereavement leave

By completing this course, delegates will be able to:

Manage their team effectively through different leave periods, whilst remaining within the law. Deal with flexible working requests in an appropriate way.