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Managing a Hybrid / Virtual Workforce

This course is aimed at HR, Front Line Managers, Supervisors, Management level, and is designed for those people who are managing people who work in a hybrid / virtual environment.

Course content

This half day session will guide delegates through the principles of effectively managing, motivating and driving a hybrid or virtual workforce. Covering both the procedural and cultural implications and will include activity and information-based learning as part of the course.

Delegates can expect to learn about the following subjects:

  • The psychology of virtual / hybrid working
  • How to set expectations and goals
  • How to remain compliant within the law
  • Communicating with virtual / hybrid workers
  • Holding meetings virtually
  • Wellbeing of virtual / hybrid workers
  • Evaluating and reviewing virtual / hybrid workers

By completing this course, delegates will be able to:

Understand the principles of managing people who work in hybrid roles or remotely / virtually and how to manage the often complex cultural and procedural implications that go with modern workforce situations.