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Managing Change Successfully (Half-day)

This course is aimed at experienced managers and leaders that want to increase their ability to manage successful change within their organisation. Learn to increase resilience during change, manage the emotional impact to your employees, communicate changes effectively and manage your people through change cycles, so that your organisation can remain at the cutting edge.

Course Dates

No open courses currently scheduled, but in-company delivery can be arranged.

Please email us: [email protected]

Call us free:0808 168 5874

Course Content

  • What is change?
    - Types of change
    - The purpose of change
    - External/Internal factors to consider
  • Managing change in a VUCA world
  • Emotional impacts
  • Resilience through change
  • Communicating change effectively
  • Managing your people through change

By attending this course, delegates will be able to:

Understand the need for change and manage their team’s expectations and emotions trough increased awareness of the factors to consider. Communicate change as a ‘positive’ for the organisation and its people, and be able to manage them effectively through times of change.