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Managing the Disciplinary and Grievance Process

This CPD accredited course is aimed at Managers and Supervisors who will be expected to investigate and undertake disciplinary and grievance meetings and will provide the necessary knowledge and skills needed to manage discipline and grievance cases effectively.

Delegates will be updated on the law and its importance during disciplinary matters, the difference between ‘misconduct’ and ‘gross misconduct’ and how to act ‘reasonably’. They will also learn how to carry out a formal disciplinary hearing and the importance of a sound investigation and the role and importance of the appeal process.

Delegates will learn what constitutes a grievance, understanding why they are submitted and how to effectively manage the informal and formal grievance process from start to finish. They will also develop the essential skills required to ensure that things do not go wrong and learn what an appropriate remedy or resolution looks like.

Course content 

  • The basics of the law relating to unfair dismissal
  • The difference between ‘conduct’ and ‘capability’ and the relevant procedures that must be followed
  • The importance of the investigation process
  • Carrying out a disciplinary hearing
  • The role of and importance of appeals
  • Identifying what constitutes a grievance and apply formal procedures where appropriate
  • How to effectively conduct a grievance hearing
  • The importance of record keeping

By attending this course, delegates will be able to:

Confidently carry out disciplinary and grievance processes within the law