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On Friday 20 March, the Chancellor announced a package of “temporary, timely and targeted measures to support public services, people and businesses through this period of disruption caused by coronavirus including the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. We consider its scope and application in detail in our Coronavris FAQs.

Furlough Leave is a new form of leave which the Government has made available to UK businesses via its Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (more info here). A furloughed employee will remain on the employer’s payroll, so furlough leave will be a form of authorised absence.

Make UK has put together guidance for employers and apprentices about furlough leave. Download below


Employer Guide

Guidance on furloughing an apprentice and the role their apprenticeship still plays during this time 

Apprentice Guide

Key information for Make UK apprentices on furlough and what it means. This guide is aimed at Make UK apprentices but the content is applicable for any apprentice.